


We recommend import maps when building pages with RHDS. Learn more about how to install on our getting started docs.

Red Hat CDN
<script type="importmap">
  "imports": {
    "@rhds/elements/": "",
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npm install @rhds/elements
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<script type="importmap">
  "imports": {
    "@rhds/elements/rh-table/rh-table.js": ""
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Add it to your page with this import statement

<script type="module">
  import '@rhds/elements/rh-table/rh-table.js';
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Lightdom CSS

This element requires you to load "Lightdom CSS" stylesheets for styling deeply slotted elements.


Replace /path/to/ with path to the CSS file, whether local or CDN.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/rh-table/rh-table-lightdom.css">


        <th scope="col">Date</th>
        <th scope="col">Event<rh-sort-button></rh-sort-button>
        <th scope="col">Venue<rh-sort-button></rh-sort-button>
        <td>12 February</td>
        <td>Waltz with Strauss</td>
        <td>Main Hall</td>
        <td>24 March</td>
        <td>The Obelisks</td>
        <td>West Wing</td>
        <td>14 April</td>
        <td>The What</td>
        <td>Main Hall</td>
  <small slot="summary">Dates and venues subject to change.</small>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../rh-table-lightdom.css">

<script type="module">
  import '@rhds/elements/rh-table/rh-table.js';
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Specify the title of the table using a <caption> element.

    <!-- ...table data -->

Responsive tables

<rh-table> will automatically reformat to a "stacked" presentation in narrow containers such as on small screens and mobile devices or in page sidebars. For simple table structures, each table cell heading will be auto-generated for its responsive layout.

For complex tables (i.e., including colspan or rowspan attributes), or to customize or override individual table cell headings on mobile devices, use a data-label attribute on the <td> elements to label them.

        <th id="concerts-date" scope="col">Date</th>
        <th id="concerts-event" scope="col">Event<rh-sort-button></rh-sort-button></th>
        <th id="concerts-venue" scope="col">Venue<rh-sort-button></rh-sort-button></th>
        <td headers="concerts-date">12 February</td>
        <td headers="concerts-event">Waltz with Strauss</td>
        <td headers="concerts-venue">Main Hall</td>
        <td headers="concerts-date">24 March</td>
        <td headers="concerts-event">The Obelisks</td>
        <td headers="concerts-venue">West Wing</td>
        <td headers="concerts-date" data-label="Custom heading 1">14 April</td>
        <td headers="concerts-event" data-label="Custom heading 2">The What</td>
        <td headers="concerts-venue" data-label="Custom heading 3">Main Hall</td>
  <small slot="summary">Dates and venues subject to change.</small>

Column highlighting

To enable column highlighting, the <table> element must also include a <col> element for each column in the table, typically wrapped with a <colgroup>.

    <!-- ...table with three columns -->


To enable sorting on a column, add an <rh-sort-button> as the last child of the <th> cell.

        <th id="concerts-date" scope="col">Date</th>
        <th id="concerts-event" scope="col">Event<rh-sort-button></rh-sort-button></th>
        <th id="concerts-venue" scope="col">Venue<rh-sort-button></rh-sort-button></th>
    <!-- ...table data sortable by Event and Venue -->


Additional information about the data in the table should be slotted into the summary slot after the table element.

        <th id="concerts-date" scope="col">Date</th>
        <th id="concerts-event" scope="col">Event<rh-sort-button></rh-sort-button></th>
        <th id="concerts-venue" scope="col">Venue<rh-sort-button></rh-sort-button></th>
        <td headers="concerts-date">12 February</td>
        <td headers="concerts-event">Waltz with Strauss</td>
        <td headers="concerts-venue">Main Hall</td>
        <td headers="concerts-date">24 March</td>
        <td headers="concerts-event">The Obelisks</td>
        <td headers="concerts-venue">West Wing</td>
        <td headers="concerts-date">14 April</td>
        <td headers="concerts-event">The What</td>
        <td headers="concerts-venue">Main Hall</td>
  <small slot="summary">Dates and venues subject to change.</small>


A table is a container for displaying information. It allows a user to scan, examine, and compare large amounts of data.

Slots 2
Slot Name Description

an HTML table


a brief description of the data

Attributes 0
Methods 0
Events 0
CSS Shadow Parts 0
CSS Custom Properties 3
CSS Property Description Default

row hover background color

224 224 224 / 40%

column hover background color

0 102 204 / 10%

row border

1px solid #c7c7c7
Design Tokens 24
Token Copy
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token


Table sort button

Slots 0
Attributes 2
Attribute DOM Property Description Type Default
sort-direction sortDirection

The button's sorting order

'asc' | 'desc' | undefined
column column

The column name associated with this button (for screen readers)

string | undefined
Methods 1
Method Name Description

Dispatch a request-sort event in ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order

Events 2
Event Name Description

when the button is clicked

CSS Shadow Parts 2
Part Name Description

button element


icon wrapper element

CSS Custom Properties 0
Design Tokens 2
Token Copy
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token
Full CSS Variable Permalink to this token